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4 Ways to Make Sure You Actually Stick to Your Healthy Habits This Year

It’s 2025, and here we are again. Another year of realizing that the past year flew by and a lot of us completely neglected the goals we set at the beginning of 2024.

If you’re finding yourself going down a spiral of thoughts like…

“What’s wrong with me?”

“Why can’t I just stick to a few simple habits that are good for me?”

“How are other people so disciplined?”

“Why is being healthy so hard these days?”

…you’re not alone, and you’re in the right place. 

Isn’t there something fascinating about the draw we all feel to this “new year, new me” motivation or desire? This idea that a new year provides us with the chance to pursue our goals and reinvent ourselves to some extent can be so refreshing, or crushing depending on how you look at it and what your previous experiences have been.

Some people may be looking back on 2024 totally satisfied by how they moved towards their goals and stuck to the healthy habits they set in January. Other people may be looking back on 2024 and falling into a vicious cycle of self blame and guilt for not achieving everything they set in their 2024 new year’s resolutions.

Either way, if you want to show up in 2025 as your best self and continue to grow, here’s how to implement healthy habits that you’ll actually stick to in 2025.

Ditch the All or Nothing Mindset

I’m sure we’ve all been guilty of the all or nothing mindset at one point or another. I like to believe it comes from a good place of high expectations and wanting what’s best for ourselves, but it typically ends up doing more harm than good. The problem with falling into an all or nothing mindset is that it traps you in a way of thinking that you’re either 100% successful or you’ve completely failed at something when the reality is that life is way more complex than that. 

For example, if you have a goal to workout five days a week this year, and you miss one workout one week, you might feel extreme guilt like you just ruined your entire fitness plan. Reading this as words on a screen you might be thinking “well that’s just ridiculous, of course you didn’t ruin your entire fitness plan from missing one workout,” but I can guarantee you can think back to a time when you experienced this thought process of “all or nothing.”

This year I hope you challenge those all or nothing thoughts when you notice them pop into your head. The reality is that sometimes life throws curveballs your way and you might get thrown off track, whatever your goals may be. It happens to all of us. No matter how many influencers you see that make healthy habits look like an easy everyday routine, remember that social media is a highlight reel. Stay in your own lane and remember if you fall off track you can bounce back anytime. It is not all or nothing.

Track Your Progress

Time may fly when you’re having fun, but time also flies when you’re busy! With everything we balance in life these days from work, fitness, cooking, social gatherings, hobbies, and more, time seems to be flying faster than ever. I’ve noticed that when time flies, all the progress we’ve made seems to get lost in our minds. Since progress is made progressively each day, it can easily go unnoticed. It’s important to take intentional time to think back to where you were when you started compared to where you are now, and be proud of it!

You can track your progress in any way that resonates with you whether it’s writing in a journal and reading back to the beginning every few months, taking progress pictures for fitness goals, or maybe taking a video every week/month providing an update on where you’re at with your goals.

The feeling of accomplishment and inspiration that comes from progress tracking will help significantly with maintaining the discipline and motivation to keep going. 

Be Prepared to Face a Lack of Motivation

When you’re pursuing a new healthy habit, it’s important to acknowledge that you won’t feel motivated every single day. Some days whatever your chosen habit may be, it might be the last thing you feel like doing, and that’s when the real challenge starts. That’s why instead of relying solely on motivation, focus on building systems and routines that make it easier to follow through even when you’re feeling tired, overwhelmed, or unmotivated.

Energy healing techniques, such as Reiki, chakra balancing, and breathwork, can play a powerful role in helping you stay connected to your motivation and inspiration. These practices work by clearing energetic blockages and restoring balance in your body, mind, and spirit. When energy flows freely throughout your body, you’re more likely to feel aligned with your goals, connected to your purpose, and inspired to take action. This is a tangible way to keep your inspiration and motivation as high as possible.

Incorporating energy healing into your routine (maybe as one of your new healthy habits) allows you to create space to nurture your well-being on a regular basis. It’s a gentle yet powerful way to support yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually as you build new healthy habits.

You can learn more about energy healing here.

Don’t be Afraid to Reward Yourself

Celebrating your wins—no matter how small—reinforces positive behavior and makes the journey to creating healthy habits feel enjoyable rather than restrictive.

When you reward yourself, choose something that aligns with your goals or simply just makes you feel good about the progress you’re making. For example, if you’ve stuck to your workout routine for a month, treat yourself to that new workout set you’ve had your eye on for months that makes you excited to hit the gym. Or if you’ve been consistent with meal prepping, take some time off and enjoy a fun night out with friends to recharge. The rewards can be as simple or as extravagant as you want. 

These moments of celebration remind you why you started in the first place and make the process of building healthy habits more enjoyable. They also combat burnout by giving you something to look forward to along the way.